Hello, my name is Parris Reed and I am an INTERIOR DESIGNER that is lucky enough to work hand in hand with my fabulous mother/boss, Sharon Reed. This blog is here to document and celebrate our love of design, our crazy work life (usually in the car, hence the travels), and our fun finds along the way!
Keep Calm & Carry On
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Keep Calm and Carry On.
I just love this phrase and I love all of the parodies connected with it! Keep calm and Eat a Cupcake. Keep calm and Fake a British Accent. Quit stalling and Marry Me. Now Panic and Freak Out. Keep Calm and Buy Shoes… I think you see what I mean!!
The other day I happened upon an article about the history of this amazing phrase and found it very interesting! Did you know that this poster was 1 of 3 posters that were made during the Spring/Summer of 1939 by England’s Ministry of Information to bolster the people in case of Nazi occupation?
The first poster was, ” Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution. Will Bring Us Victory.”

The second poster that was released was ” Freedom is in Peril. Defend it with All Your Might.”

And the final poster, which was never released to the public was, ” Keep Calm and Carry On.” This poster was meant to be a last resort for the British people to keep there morale high. This poster was never uncovered until someone found it in a second hand book store in early 2000. To this day, this phrase has resonated with countless people. Reminding us all that what ever happens, you must keep your feelings at bay and move forward. I just love the history behind this very commercialized phrase! I hope you do to!
And Now for a little fun with some parodies…
In R Travels and Read On!!!!