
Hello, my name is Parris Reed and I am an INTERIOR DESIGNER that is lucky enough to work hand in hand with my fabulous mother/boss, Sharon Reed. This blog is here to document and celebrate our love of design, our crazy work life (usually in the car, hence the travels), and our fun finds along the way!
The Heart of the Home
They say that the kitchen is the heart of the home and I couldn’t agree more. However, if the kitchen is the heart of the home, I believe that the center of the heart is the kitchen table. Today’s post is dedicated to combining the use of a kitchen table AND an island. This creates the warmth and intimacy desired from a crucial conversation spot in your home while at the same time adding functionality to a kitchen that might not have an island! Enjoy a few pictures below and Happy Wednesday!!
Would you be my Valentine?
Happy Monday Everyone! In the spirit of Valentine’s Day being just around the corner, I thought I would send out some interior design Valentine cards! Enjoy! xoxoxo
I love how whimsical and romantic this is!
I love those cornice boards on the windows!
Soft pink and florals…
Red and Pink… the ultimate Valentine’s Day color scheme!
I just thought this was fun… I adore that color red!...
Oh The Great Outdoors
Happy Friday everyone! I’m writing this post sitting by my window looking at the rain and wind whipping through my neighborhood and wishing for the summertime to be here! Instead of going to happy hour tonight with friends inside by a fire (which is very cozy, don’t get me wrong) I could be sitting outside in my backyard enjoying a bbq and sipping blood orange cocktails! Here are a few outdoor designs that have been calling my name as of late…
Simple and Casual with a Twist!
Office Envy, Work spaces worth working for!
Happy Monday, Everyone!! Confucius once said, “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Well, I would like to add, “Choose a work space you love, and you will never want to leave it”!!! To help us kick off our work week right, I thought I would share with you some beautiful images of work spaces done right. Everyone can have a beautiful office if they add a few key items… a fabulous chair, a pop of color, a killer lamp, and the most important...
Keep Calm & Carry On
Keep Calm and Carry On.
I just love this phrase and I love all of the parodies connected with it! Keep calm and Eat a Cupcake. Keep calm and Fake a British Accent. Quit stalling and Marry Me. Now Panic and Freak Out. Keep Calm and Buy Shoes… I think you see what I mean!!
The other day I happened upon an article about the history of this amazing phrase and found it very interesting! Did you know that this poster was 1 of 3 posters that were made during the Spring/Summer of 1939 by...