Hello, my name is Parris Reed and I am an INTERIOR DESIGNER that is lucky enough to work hand in hand with my fabulous mother/boss, Sharon Reed. This blog is here to document and celebrate our love of design, our crazy work life (usually in the car, hence the travels), and our fun finds along the way!
Glitz & Glamour
Thursday, June 9, 2011
They say that a chandelier is the jewelry of a room. Whether you hang one over a dining room table, a bed, or even a folding table in the middle of a laundry room, a chandelier adds the Glitz, the Glamour, and the Playfulness to any room. Just like your accessories add to your outfit! Today, I would like to celebrate a designer that has added chandeliers to her collections of fabulous jewelry, Karen Erickson of Erickson Beamon Jewelry. I have always adored her designs, but now I can’t wait to place one of her beautiful chandeliers in the middle of a client’s home!! Enjoy!!
And Now For A Little Bauble…
Now go put something glitzy on and enjoy the rest of your day!!!